Edinburgh Speech Tools  2.1-release

end of filter bank and cepstral analysis More...

Collaboration diagram for Frequency conversion functions:


float Hz2Mel (float frequency_in_Hertz)
float Mel2Hz (float frequency_in_Mel)

Detailed Description

end of filter bank and cepstral analysis

These are functions used in filter bank and cepstral analysis.

Function Documentation

float Hz2Mel ( float  frequency_in_Hertz)

Convert Hertz to Mel. The Mel scale is defined by

\[f_{\mbox{Mel}} = 1127 \; log( 1 + \frac{f_{\mbox{Hertz}}}{700} )\]

See also
Frequency conversion functions

Definition at line 790 of file sigpr_frame.cc.

float Mel2Hz ( float  frequency_in_Mel)

Convert Mel to Hertz.

See also

Definition at line 795 of file sigpr_frame.cc.