Edinburgh Speech Tools  2.1-release
EST_String Class Reference

#include <include/EST_String.h>

Inheritance diagram for EST_String:
Collaboration diagram for EST_String:

Public Types

typedef size_t EST_string_size
 Type of string size field. More...

Public Member Functions

 EST_String (void)
 Construct an empty string. More...
 EST_String (const char *s)
 Construct from char *. More...
 EST_String (const char *s, int start_or_fill, ssize_t len)
 Construct from part of char * or fill with given character. More...
 EST_String (const char *s, size_t s_size, size_t start, ssize_t len)
 Construct from C string. More...
 EST_String (const EST_String &s, size_t start, ssize_t len)
 EST_String (const EST_String &s)
 ~EST_String ()
 Destructor. More...
size_t length (void) const
 Length of string ({not} length of underlying chunk) More...
int space (void) const
 Size of underlying chunk. More...
const char * str (void) const
 Get a const-pointer to the actual memory. More...
char * updatable_str (void)
 Get a writable pointer to the actual memory. More...
void make_updatable (void)
int Int (bool &ok) const
 Convert to an integer. More...
int Int (void) const
long Long (bool &ok) const
 Convert to a long. More...
long Long (void) const
float Float (bool &ok) const
 Convert to a float. More...
float Float (void) const
double Double (bool &ok) const
 Convert to a double. More...
double Double (void) const
EST_Stringignore_volatile (void) volatile
EST_String before (int pos, int len=0) const
 Part before position. More...
EST_String before (const char *s, int pos=0) const
 Part before first matching substring after pos. More...
EST_String before (const EST_String &s, int pos=0) const
 Part before first matching substring after pos. More...
EST_String before (EST_Regex &e, int pos=0) const
 Part before first match of regexp after pos. More...
EST_String at (int from, int len=0) const
 Return part at position. More...
EST_String at (const char *s, int pos=0) const
 Return part where substring found (not useful, included for completeness) More...
EST_String at (const EST_String &s, int pos=0) const
 Return part where substring found (not useful, included for completeness) More...
EST_String at (EST_Regex &e, int pos=0) const
 Return part matching regexp. More...
EST_String after (int pos, int len=1) const
 Part after pos+len. More...
EST_String after (const char *s, int pos=0) const
 Part after substring. More...
EST_String after (const EST_String &s, int pos=0) const
 Part after substring. More...
EST_String after (EST_Regex &e, int pos=0) const
 Part after match of regular expression. More...
Search for something
size_t search (const char *s, size_t len, size_t &mlen, ssize_t pos=0) const
 Find a substring. More...
size_t search (const EST_String s, size_t &mlen, ssize_t pos=0) const
 Find a substring. More...
size_t search (EST_Regex &re, size_t &mlen, ssize_t pos=0, size_t *starts=NULL, size_t *ends=NULL) const
 Find a match of the regular expression. More...
Get position of something
size_t index (const char *s, ssize_t pos=0) const
 Position of substring (starting at pos) More...
size_t index (const EST_String &s, ssize_t pos=0) const
 Position of substring (starting at pos) More...
size_t index (EST_Regex &ex, ssize_t pos=0) const
 Position of match of regexp (starting at pos) More...
Does string contain something?
int contains (const char *s, ssize_t pos=-1) const
 Does it contain this substring? More...
int contains (const EST_String &s, ssize_t pos=-1) const
 Does it contain this substring? More...
int contains (const char c, ssize_t pos=-1) const
 Does it contain this character? More...
int contains (EST_Regex &ex, ssize_t pos=-1) const
 Does it contain a match for this regular expression? More...
Does string exactly match?
int matches (const char *e, ssize_t pos=0) const
 Exactly match this string? More...
int matches (const EST_String &e, ssize_t pos=0) const
 Exactly match this string? More...
int matches (EST_Regex &e, ssize_t pos=0, size_t *starts=NULL, size_t *ends=NULL) const
 Exactly matches this regular expression, can return ends of sub-expressions. More...
Global replacement
int gsub (const char *os, const EST_String &s)
 Substitute one string for another. More...
int gsub (const char *os, const char *s)
 Substitute one string for another. More...
int gsub (const EST_String &os, const EST_String &s)
 Substitute one string for another. More...
int gsub (const EST_String &os, const char *s)
 Substitute one string for another. More...
int gsub (EST_Regex &ex, const EST_String &s)
 Substitute string for matches of regular expression. More...
int gsub (EST_Regex &ex, const char *s)
 Substitute string for matches of regular expression. More...
int gsub (EST_Regex &ex, int bracket_num)
 Substitute string for matches of regular expression. More...
int subst (EST_String source, size_t(&starts)[EST_Regex_max_subexpressions], size_t(&ends)[EST_Regex_max_subexpressions])
 Substitute the result of a match into a string. More...
Frequency counts
size_t freq (const char *s) const
 Number of occurrences of substring. More...
size_t freq (const EST_String &s) const
 Number of occurrences of substring. More...
size_t freq (EST_Regex &s) const
 Number of matches of regular expression. More...
EST_String quote (const char quotec) const
 Return the string in quotes with internal quotes protected. More...
EST_String quote_if_needed (const char quotec) const
 Return in quotes if there is something to protect (e.g. spaces) More...
EST_String unquote (const char quotec) const
 Remove quotes and unprotect internal quotes. More...
EST_String unquote_if_needed (const char quotec) const
 Remove quotes if any. More...
char operator() (int i) const
 Function style access to constant strings. More...
char & operator[] (int i)
 Array style access to writable strings. More...
 operator const char * () const
 Cast to const char * by simply giving access to pointer. More...
 operator const char * ()
 operator char * ()
 Cast to char *, may involve copying. More...
Add to end of string.
EST_Stringoperator+= (const char *b)
 Add C string to end of EST_String. More...
EST_Stringoperator+= (const EST_String b)
 Add EST_String to end of EST_String. More...
EST_Stringoperator= (const char *str)
 Assign C string to EST_String. More...
EST_Stringoperator= (const char c)
 Assign single character to EST_String. More...
EST_Stringoperator= (const EST_String &s)
 Assign EST_String to EST_String. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static EST_String FromChar (const char c)
 Build string from a single character. More...
static EST_String Number (int i, int base=10)
 Build string from an integer. More...
static EST_String Number (long i, int base=10)
 Build string from a long integer. More...
static EST_String Number (double d)
 Build string from a double. More...
static EST_String Number (float f)
 Build string from a float. More...
static EST_String cat (const EST_String s1, const EST_String s2=Empty, const EST_String s3=Empty, const EST_String s4=Empty, const EST_String s5=Empty, const EST_String s6=Empty, const EST_String s7=Empty, const EST_String s8=Empty, const EST_String s9=Empty)

Static Public Attributes

static const char * version = "CSTR String Class " STRING_VERSION " " STRING_DATE
 Global version string. More...
static const EST_String Empty
 Constant empty string. More...


class EST_Regex
EST_String operator* (const EST_String &s, int n)
 Repeat string N times. More...
EST_String upcase (const EST_String &s)
 Convert to upper case. More...
EST_String downcase (const EST_String &s)
 Convert to lower case. More...
ostream & operator<< (ostream &s, const EST_String &str)
 Stream output for EST_String. More...
EST_String operator+ (const EST_String &a, const EST_String &b)
 Concatenate two EST_Strings. More...
EST_String operator+ (const char *a, const EST_String &b)
 Concatenate C String with EST_String. More...
EST_String operator+ (const EST_String &a, const char *b)
 Concatenate EST_String with C String. More...
relational operators
int operator== (const char *a, const EST_String &b)
int operator== (const EST_String &a, const char *b)
int operator== (const EST_String &a, const EST_String &b)
int operator!= (const char *a, const EST_String &b)
int operator!= (const EST_String &a, const char *b)
int operator!= (const EST_String &a, const EST_String &b)
int operator< (const char *a, const EST_String &b)
int operator< (const EST_String &a, const char *b)
int operator< (const EST_String &a, const EST_String &b)
int operator> (const char *a, const EST_String &b)
int operator> (const EST_String &a, const char *b)
int operator> (const EST_String &a, const EST_String &b)
int operator<= (const char *a, const EST_String &b)
int operator<= (const EST_String &a, const char *b)
int operator<= (const EST_String &a, const EST_String &b)
int operator>= (const char *a, const EST_String &b)
int operator>= (const EST_String &a, const char *b)
int operator>= (const EST_String &a, const EST_String &b)
String comparison.

All these operators return -1, 0 or 1 to indicate the sort order of the strings.

int compare (const EST_String &a, const EST_String &b)
int compare (const EST_String &a, const char *b)
int compare (const char *a, const EST_String &b)
int fcompare (const EST_String &a, const EST_String &b, const unsigned char *table)
int fcompare (const EST_String &a, const char *b, const unsigned char *table)
int fcompare (const EST_String &a, const EST_String &b, const EST_String &table)
Split a string into parts.

These functions divide up a string producing an array of substrings.

int split (const EST_String &s, EST_String result[], int max, const EST_String &seperator, char quote=0)
 Split at a given separator. More...
int split (const EST_String &s, EST_String result[], int max, const char *seperator, char quote=0)
 Split at a given separator. More...
int split (const EST_String &s, EST_String result[], int max, EST_Regex &seperator, char quote=0)
 Split at each match of the regular expression. More...

Detailed Description

A non-copyleft implementation of a string class to use with compilers that aren't GNU C++.

Strings are reference-counted and reasonably efficient (eg you can pass them around, into and out of functions and so on without worrying too much about the cost).

The associated class EST_Regex can be used to represent regular expressions.

See also
Alan W Black awb@c.nosp@m.str..nosp@m.ed.ac.nosp@m..uk
Richard Caley rjc@c.nosp@m.str..nosp@m.ed.ac.nosp@m..uk
EST_String.h,v 1.7 2009/07/03 17:13:56 awb Exp

Definition at line 76 of file EST_String.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Type of string size field.

Definition at line 113 of file EST_String.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EST_String::EST_String ( void  )

Construct an empty string.

Definition at line 201 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String::EST_String ( const char *  s)

Construct from char *.

Definition at line 818 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String::EST_String ( const char *  s,
int  start_or_fill,
ssize_t  len 

Construct from part of char * or fill with given character.

Definition at line 831 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String::EST_String ( const char *  s,
size_t  s_size,
size_t  start,
ssize_t  len 

Construct from C string.

Definition at line 864 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String::EST_String ( const EST_String s,
size_t  start,
ssize_t  len 

Definition at line 878 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String::EST_String ( const EST_String s)

Copy constructor We have to declare our own copy constructor to lie to the compiler about the constness of the RHS.

Definition at line 219 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String::~EST_String ( )


Definition at line 225 of file EST_String.h.

Member Function Documentation

size_t EST_String::length ( void  ) const

Length of string ({not} length of underlying chunk)

Definition at line 231 of file EST_String.h.

int EST_String::space ( void  ) const

Size of underlying chunk.

Definition at line 233 of file EST_String.h.

const char* EST_String::str ( void  ) const

Get a const-pointer to the actual memory.

Definition at line 235 of file EST_String.h.

char* EST_String::updatable_str ( void  )

Get a writable pointer to the actual memory.

Definition at line 237 of file EST_String.h.

void EST_String::make_updatable ( void  )

Definition at line 238 of file EST_String.h.

static EST_String EST_String::FromChar ( const char  c)

Build string from a single character.

Definition at line 242 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String EST_String::Number ( int  i,
int  base = 10 

Build string from an integer.

Definition at line 1199 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String EST_String::Number ( long  i,
int  base = 10 

Build string from a long integer.

Definition at line 1224 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String EST_String::Number ( double  d)

Build string from a double.

Definition at line 1258 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String EST_String::Number ( float  f)

Build string from a float.

Definition at line 1249 of file EST_String.cc.

int EST_String::Int ( bool ok) const

Convert to an integer.

Definition at line 258 of file EST_String.h.

int EST_String::Int ( void  ) const

Definition at line 259 of file EST_String.h.

long EST_String::Long ( bool ok) const

Convert to a long.

Definition at line 262 of file EST_String.h.

long EST_String::Long ( void  ) const

Definition at line 263 of file EST_String.h.

float EST_String::Float ( bool ok) const

Convert to a float.

Definition at line 266 of file EST_String.h.

float EST_String::Float ( void  ) const

Definition at line 267 of file EST_String.h.

double EST_String::Double ( bool ok) const

Convert to a double.

Definition at line 270 of file EST_String.h.

double EST_String::Double ( void  ) const

Definition at line 271 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String EST_String::before ( int  pos,
int  len = 0 
) const

Part before position.

Definition at line 276 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String EST_String::before ( const char *  s,
int  pos = 0 
) const

Part before first matching substring after pos.

Definition at line 279 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String EST_String::before ( const EST_String s,
int  pos = 0 
) const

Part before first matching substring after pos.

Definition at line 282 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String EST_String::before ( EST_Regex e,
int  pos = 0 
) const

Part before first match of regexp after pos.

Definition at line 285 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String EST_String::at ( int  from,
int  len = 0 
) const

Return part at position.

Definition at line 292 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String EST_String::at ( const char *  s,
int  pos = 0 
) const

Return part where substring found (not useful, included for completeness)

Definition at line 295 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String EST_String::at ( const EST_String s,
int  pos = 0 
) const

Return part where substring found (not useful, included for completeness)

Definition at line 298 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String EST_String::at ( EST_Regex e,
int  pos = 0 
) const

Return part matching regexp.

Definition at line 301 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String EST_String::after ( int  pos,
int  len = 1 
) const

Part after pos+len.

Definition at line 308 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String EST_String::after ( const char *  s,
int  pos = 0 
) const

Part after substring.

Definition at line 311 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String EST_String::after ( const EST_String s,
int  pos = 0 
) const

Part after substring.

Definition at line 314 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String EST_String::after ( EST_Regex e,
int  pos = 0 
) const

Part after match of regular expression.

Definition at line 317 of file EST_String.h.

size_t EST_String::search ( const char *  s,
size_t  len,
size_t &  mlen,
ssize_t  pos = 0 
) const

Find a substring.

Definition at line 324 of file EST_String.h.

size_t EST_String::search ( const EST_String  s,
size_t &  mlen,
ssize_t  pos = 0 
) const

Find a substring.

Definition at line 332 of file EST_String.h.

size_t EST_String::search ( EST_Regex re,
size_t &  mlen,
ssize_t  pos = 0,
size_t *  starts = NULL,
size_t *  ends = NULL 
) const

Find a match of the regular expression.

Definition at line 340 of file EST_String.h.

size_t EST_String::index ( const char *  s,
ssize_t  pos = 0 
) const

Position of substring (starting at pos)

Definition at line 352 of file EST_String.h.

size_t EST_String::index ( const EST_String s,
ssize_t  pos = 0 
) const

Position of substring (starting at pos)

Definition at line 355 of file EST_String.h.

size_t EST_String::index ( EST_Regex ex,
ssize_t  pos = 0 
) const

Position of match of regexp (starting at pos)

Definition at line 358 of file EST_String.h.

int EST_String::contains ( const char *  s,
ssize_t  pos = -1 
) const

Does it contain this substring?

Definition at line 365 of file EST_String.h.

int EST_String::contains ( const EST_String s,
ssize_t  pos = -1 
) const

Does it contain this substring?

Definition at line 368 of file EST_String.h.

int EST_String::contains ( const char  c,
ssize_t  pos = -1 
) const

Does it contain this character?

Definition at line 371 of file EST_String.h.

int EST_String::contains ( EST_Regex ex,
ssize_t  pos = -1 
) const

Does it contain a match for this regular expression?

Definition at line 374 of file EST_String.h.

int EST_String::matches ( const char *  e,
ssize_t  pos = 0 
) const

Exactly match this string?

Definition at line 651 of file EST_String.cc.

int EST_String::matches ( const EST_String e,
ssize_t  pos = 0 
) const

Exactly match this string?

Definition at line 668 of file EST_String.cc.

int EST_String::matches ( EST_Regex e,
ssize_t  pos = 0,
size_t *  starts = NULL,
size_t *  ends = NULL 
) const

Exactly matches this regular expression, can return ends of sub-expressions.

Definition at line 678 of file EST_String.cc.

int EST_String::gsub ( const char *  os,
const EST_String s 

Substitute one string for another.

Definition at line 391 of file EST_String.h.

int EST_String::gsub ( const char *  os,
const char *  s 

Substitute one string for another.

Definition at line 394 of file EST_String.h.

int EST_String::gsub ( const EST_String os,
const EST_String s 

Substitute one string for another.

Definition at line 397 of file EST_String.h.

int EST_String::gsub ( const EST_String os,
const char *  s 

Substitute one string for another.

Definition at line 400 of file EST_String.h.

int EST_String::gsub ( EST_Regex ex,
const EST_String s 

Substitute string for matches of regular expression.

Definition at line 404 of file EST_String.h.

int EST_String::gsub ( EST_Regex ex,
const char *  s 

Substitute string for matches of regular expression.

Definition at line 407 of file EST_String.h.

int EST_String::gsub ( EST_Regex ex,
int  bracket_num 

Substitute string for matches of regular expression.

Definition at line 410 of file EST_String.h.

int EST_String::subst ( EST_String  source,
size_t(&)  starts[EST_Regex_max_subexpressions],
size_t(&)  ends[EST_Regex_max_subexpressions] 

Substitute the result of a match into a string.

Definition at line 465 of file EST_String.cc.

size_t EST_String::freq ( const char *  s) const

Number of occurrences of substring.

Definition at line 985 of file EST_String.cc.

size_t EST_String::freq ( const EST_String s) const

Number of occurrences of substring.

Definition at line 970 of file EST_String.cc.

size_t EST_String::freq ( EST_Regex s) const

Number of matches of regular expression.

Definition at line 1003 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String EST_String::quote ( const char  quotec) const

Return the string in quotes with internal quotes protected.

Definition at line 1017 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String EST_String::quote_if_needed ( const char  quotec) const

Return in quotes if there is something to protect (e.g. spaces)

Definition at line 1056 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String EST_String::unquote ( const char  quotec) const

Remove quotes and unprotect internal quotes.

Definition at line 1029 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String EST_String::unquote_if_needed ( const char  quotec) const

Remove quotes if any.

Definition at line 1066 of file EST_String.cc.

char EST_String::operator() ( int  i) const

Function style access to constant strings.

Definition at line 444 of file EST_String.h.

char& EST_String::operator[] ( int  i)

Array style access to writable strings.

Definition at line 446 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String::operator const char * ( ) const

Cast to const char * by simply giving access to pointer.

Definition at line 449 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String::operator const char * ( )

Definition at line 450 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String::operator char * ( )

Cast to char *, may involve copying.

Definition at line 452 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String & EST_String::operator+= ( const char *  b)

Add C string to end of EST_String.

Definition at line 772 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String & EST_String::operator+= ( const EST_String  b)

Add EST_String to end of EST_String.

Definition at line 795 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String & EST_String::operator= ( const char *  str)

Assign C string to EST_String.

Definition at line 909 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String & EST_String::operator= ( const char  c)

Assign single character to EST_String.

Definition at line 923 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String & EST_String::operator= ( const EST_String s)

Assign EST_String to EST_String.

Definition at line 930 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String EST_String::cat ( const EST_String  s1,
const EST_String  s2 = Empty,
const EST_String  s3 = Empty,
const EST_String  s4 = Empty,
const EST_String  s5 = Empty,
const EST_String  s6 = Empty,
const EST_String  s7 = Empty,
const EST_String  s8 = Empty,
const EST_String  s9 = Empty 

Concatenate a number of strings. This is more efficient than multiple uses of + or +=

Definition at line 1084 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String& EST_String::ignore_volatile ( void  ) volatile

Definition at line 620 of file EST_String.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class EST_Regex

Definition at line 624 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String operator+ ( const EST_String a,
const EST_String b 

Concatenate two EST_Strings.

Definition at line 708 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String operator+ ( const char *  a,
const EST_String b 

Concatenate C String with EST_String.

Definition at line 726 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String operator+ ( const EST_String a,
const char *  b 

Concatenate EST_String with C String.

Definition at line 687 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String operator* ( const EST_String s,
int  n 

Repeat string N times.

Definition at line 747 of file EST_String.cc.

int operator== ( const char *  a,
const EST_String b 

Definition at line 1177 of file EST_String.cc.

int operator== ( const EST_String a,
const char *  b 

Definition at line 492 of file EST_String.h.

int operator== ( const EST_String a,
const EST_String b 

Definition at line 1189 of file EST_String.cc.

int operator!= ( const char *  a,
const EST_String b 

Definition at line 498 of file EST_String.h.

int operator!= ( const EST_String a,
const char *  b 

Definition at line 501 of file EST_String.h.

int operator!= ( const EST_String a,
const EST_String b 

Definition at line 504 of file EST_String.h.

int operator< ( const char *  a,
const EST_String b 

Definition at line 508 of file EST_String.h.

int operator< ( const EST_String a,
const char *  b 

Definition at line 511 of file EST_String.h.

int operator< ( const EST_String a,
const EST_String b 

Definition at line 514 of file EST_String.h.

int operator> ( const char *  a,
const EST_String b 

Definition at line 517 of file EST_String.h.

int operator> ( const EST_String a,
const char *  b 

Definition at line 520 of file EST_String.h.

int operator> ( const EST_String a,
const EST_String b 

Definition at line 523 of file EST_String.h.

int operator<= ( const char *  a,
const EST_String b 

Definition at line 526 of file EST_String.h.

int operator<= ( const EST_String a,
const char *  b 

Definition at line 529 of file EST_String.h.

int operator<= ( const EST_String a,
const EST_String b 

Definition at line 532 of file EST_String.h.

int operator>= ( const char *  a,
const EST_String b 

Definition at line 535 of file EST_String.h.

int operator>= ( const EST_String a,
const char *  b 

Definition at line 538 of file EST_String.h.

int operator>= ( const EST_String a,
const EST_String b 

Definition at line 541 of file EST_String.h.

int compare ( const EST_String a,
const EST_String b 

Definition at line 1126 of file EST_String.cc.

int compare ( const EST_String a,
const char *  b 

Definition at line 1138 of file EST_String.cc.

int compare ( const char *  a,
const EST_String b 

Definition at line 557 of file EST_String.h.

int fcompare ( const EST_String a,
const EST_String b,
const unsigned char *  table 

Case folded comparison.

The table argument can defined how upper and lower case characters correspond. The default works for ASCII.

Definition at line 1150 of file EST_String.cc.

int fcompare ( const EST_String a,
const char *  b,
const unsigned char *  table 

Definition at line 1163 of file EST_String.cc.

int fcompare ( const EST_String a,
const EST_String b,
const EST_String table 

Definition at line 572 of file EST_String.h.

int split ( const EST_String s,
EST_String  result[],
int  max,
const EST_String seperator,
char  quote = 0 

Split at a given separator.

Definition at line 587 of file EST_String.h.

int split ( const EST_String s,
EST_String  result[],
int  max,
const char *  seperator,
char  quote = 0 

Split at a given separator.

Definition at line 591 of file EST_String.h.

int split ( const EST_String s,
EST_String  result[],
int  max,
EST_Regex seperator,
char  quote = 0 

Split at each match of the regular expression.

Definition at line 595 of file EST_String.h.

EST_String upcase ( const EST_String s)

Convert to upper case.

Definition at line 955 of file EST_String.cc.

EST_String downcase ( const EST_String s)

Convert to lower case.

Definition at line 942 of file EST_String.cc.

ostream& operator<< ( ostream &  s,
const EST_String str 

Stream output for EST_String.

Definition at line 1075 of file EST_String.cc.

Member Data Documentation

const char * EST_String::version = "CSTR String Class " STRING_VERSION " " STRING_DATE

Global version string.

Definition at line 107 of file EST_String.h.

const EST_String EST_String::Empty

Constant empty string.

Definition at line 110 of file EST_String.h.

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