Edinburgh Speech Tools  2.1-release
Container Classes

Classes useful to contain other objects. More...

Collaboration diagram for Container Classes:


 Hash Tables


class  EST_DMatrix
class  EST_DVector
 A vector class for double precision floating point numbers. EST_DVector x should be used instead of float *x wherever possible. More...
class  EST_FMatrix
class  EST_FVector
 A vector class for floating point numbers. EST_FVector x should be used instead of float *x wherever possible. More...
class  EST_IMatrix
class  EST_TrieNode
class  EST_StringTrie
 A string tree index class for indexing arbitrary objects by strings of characters. More...
class  EST_TDeque< T >
 Double ended queue. More...
class  EST_TKVI< K, V >
 Templated Key-Value Item. Serves as the items in the list of the EST_TKVL class. More...
class  EST_TKVL< K, V >
 Templated Key-Value list. Objects of type EST_TKVL contain lists which are accessed by a key of type K, which returns a value of type V. More...
class  EST_TList< T >
class  EST_TMatrix< T >
 Template Matrix class. This is an extension of the EST_TVector class to two dimensions. More...
class  EST_TSimpleMatrix< T >
 A subclass of EST_TMatrix which copies using memcopy. More...
class  EST_TSimpleVector< T >
class  EST_TVector< T >
 Template vector. More...

Detailed Description

Classes useful to contain other objects.