Edinburgh Speech Tools  2.1-release
EST_Wave Member List

This is the complete list of members for EST_Wave, including all inherited members.

a(ssize_t i, ssize_t channel=0)EST_Wave
a(ssize_t i, ssize_t channel=0) const EST_Wave
a_no_check(ssize_t i, ssize_t channel=0)EST_Waveinline
a_no_check(ssize_t i, ssize_t channel=0) const EST_Waveinline
a_no_check_1(ssize_t i, ssize_t channel=0)EST_Waveinline
a_no_check_1(ssize_t i, ssize_t channel=0) const EST_Waveinline
a_safe(ssize_t i, ssize_t channel=0)EST_Wave
channel(EST_TVector< short > &cv, ssize_t n)EST_Waveinline
copy(const EST_Wave &from)EST_Wave
copy_channel(ssize_t n, short *buf, int offset=0, ssize_t num=EST_ALL) const EST_Waveinline
copy_data(const EST_Wave &w)EST_Waveprotected
copy_features(const EST_Featured &f)EST_Featuredprotected
copy_sample(ssize_t n, short *buf, int offset=0, ssize_t num=EST_ALL) const EST_Waveinline
copy_setup(const EST_Wave &w)EST_Waveprotected
default_vals(ssize_t n=0, ssize_t c=1)EST_Waveprotected
empty(ssize_t channel=EST_ALL)EST_Waveinline
EST_Featured(const EST_Featured &f)EST_Featuredprotected
EST_Wave(const EST_Wave &a)EST_Wave
EST_Wave(ssize_t n, ssize_t c, int sr)EST_Wave
EST_Wave(ssize_t samps, ssize_t chans, short *memory, int offset=0, int sample_rate=default_sample_rate, int free_when_destroyed=0)EST_Wave
f_F(const char *name, float def) const EST_Featuredinline
f_F(const char *name) const EST_Featuredinline
f_Float(const char *name, float def) const EST_Featuredinline
f_Float(const char *name) const EST_Featuredinline
f_I(const char *name, int def) const EST_Featuredinline
f_I(const char *name) const EST_Featuredinline
f_Int(const char *name, int def) const EST_Featuredinline
f_Int(const char *name) const EST_Featuredinline
f_present(const EST_String name) const EST_Featuredinline
f_remove(const EST_String name)EST_Featuredinline
f_S(const char *name, const EST_String &def) const EST_Featuredinline
f_S(const char *name) const EST_Featuredinline
f_set(const EST_String name, int val)EST_Featuredinline
f_set(const EST_String name, float val)EST_Featuredinline
f_set(const EST_String name, const char *val)EST_Featuredinline
f_set(const EST_Features &f)EST_Featuredinline
f_set_path(const EST_String name, int val)EST_Featuredinline
f_set_path(const EST_String name, float val)EST_Featuredinline
f_set_path(const EST_String name, const char *val)EST_Featuredinline
f_set_path(const EST_String name, EST_Val val)EST_Featuredinline
f_set_val(const EST_String name, EST_Val val)EST_Featuredinline
f_String(const char *name, const EST_String &def) const EST_Featuredinline
f_String(const char *name) const EST_Featuredinline
f_V(const char *name, const EST_Val &def) const EST_Featuredinline
f_V(const char *name) const EST_Featuredinline
f_Val(const char *name, const EST_Val &def) const EST_Featured
f_Val(const char *name) const EST_Featured
FeatEntries typedefEST_Featured
FeatEntry typedefEST_Featured
file_type() const EST_Waveinline
fill(short v=0, ssize_t channel=EST_ALL)EST_Wave
have_left_context(unsigned int n) const EST_Waveinline
integrity() const EST_Waveinline
length() const EST_Waveinline
load(const EST_String filename, int offset=0, ssize_t length=0, int rate=default_sample_rate)EST_Wave
load(EST_TokenStream &ts, int offset=0, ssize_t length=0, int rate=default_sample_rate)EST_Wave
load(const EST_String filename, const EST_String filetype, int offset=0, ssize_t length=0, int rate=default_sample_rate)EST_Wave
load(EST_TokenStream &ts, const EST_String filetype, int offset=0, ssize_t length=0, int rate=default_sample_rate)EST_Wave
load_file(const EST_String filename, const EST_String filetype, int sample_rate, const EST_String sample_type, int bo, ssize_t nc, int offset=0, ssize_t length=0)EST_Wave
load_file(EST_TokenStream &ts, const EST_String filetype, int sample_rate, const EST_String sample_type, int bo, ssize_t nc, int offset=0, ssize_t length=0)EST_Wave
move_pointer_forwards(IPointer_feat &ip) const EST_Featuredinlineprotected
name() const EST_Waveinline
num_channels() const EST_Waveinline
num_samples() const EST_Waveinline
operator()(ssize_t i, ssize_t channel) const EST_Waveinline
operator()(ssize_t i) const EST_Waveinline
operator+=(const EST_Wave &a)EST_Wave
operator<<(ostream &p_values, const EST_Wave &sig)EST_Wavefriend
operator=(const EST_Wave &w)EST_Wave
operator|=(const EST_Wave &a)EST_Wave
point_to_first(IPointer_feat &ip) const EST_Featuredinlineprotected
points_at(const IPointer_feat &ip)EST_Featuredinlineprotected
points_to_something(const IPointer_feat &ip) const EST_Featuredinlineprotected
resample(int rate)EST_Wave
rescale(float gain, int normalize=0)EST_Wave
rescale(const EST_Track &factor_contour)EST_Wave
resize(int num_samples, int num_channels=EST_ALL, int set=1)EST_Waveinline
RwFeatEntries typedefEST_Featured
sample(EST_TVector< short > &sv, ssize_t n)EST_Waveinline
sample_rate() const EST_Waveinline
sample_type() const EST_Waveinline
save(const EST_String filename, const EST_String EST_filetype="")EST_Wave
save(FILE *fp, const EST_String EST_filetype="")EST_Wave
save_file(const EST_String filename, EST_String filetype, EST_String sample_type, int bo, const char *mode="wb")EST_Wave
save_file(FILE *fp, EST_String filetype, EST_String sample_type, int bo)EST_Wave
save_file_data(FILE *fp, EST_String ftype, EST_String stype, int obo)EST_Wave
save_file_header(FILE *fp, EST_String ftype, EST_String stype, int obo)EST_Wave
set_a(ssize_t i, ssize_t channel=0, short val=0)EST_Waveinline
set_channel(ssize_t n, const short *buf, int offset=0, ssize_t num=EST_ALL)EST_Waveinline
set_file_type(const EST_String t)EST_Waveinline
set_name(const EST_String n)EST_Waveinline
set_sample(ssize_t n, const short *buf, int offset=0, ssize_t num=EST_ALL)EST_Waveinline
set_sample_rate(const int n)EST_Waveinline
set_sample_type(const EST_String t)EST_Waveinline
sub_wave(EST_Wave &sw, int offset=0, ssize_t num=EST_ALL, ssize_t start_c=0, ssize_t nchan=EST_ALL)EST_Wave
sub_wave(EST_Wave &sw, int offset=0, ssize_t num=EST_ALL, ssize_t start_c=0, ssize_t nchan=EST_ALL) const EST_Waveinline
t(ssize_t i) const EST_Waveinline
values() const EST_Waveinline