Edinburgh Speech Tools  2.1-release
EST_TStringHash< V > Member List

This is the complete list of members for EST_TStringHash< V >, including all inherited members.

add_item(const EST_String &key, const V &value, int no_search=0)EST_THash< EST_String, V >
clear(void)EST_THash< EST_String, V >
copy(const EST_THash< EST_String, V > &from)EST_THash< EST_String, V >
DefaultHash(const void *data, ssize_t size, unsigned int n)EST_HashFunctionsprotectedstatic
dump(ostream &stream, int all=0)EST_THash< EST_String, V >
Entries typedefEST_TStringHash< V >
Entry typedefEST_TStringHash< V >
EST_THash(int size, unsigned int(*hash_function)(const EST_String &key, unsigned int size)=NULL)EST_THash< EST_String, V >
EST_THash(const EST_THash< EST_String, V > &from)EST_THash< EST_String, V >
EST_TStringHash(int size)EST_TStringHash< V >inline
key(const V &val, int &found) constEST_THash< EST_String, V >
key(const V &val) constEST_THash< EST_String, V >inline
KeyEntries typedefEST_TStringHash< V >
KeyEntry typedefEST_TStringHash< V >
KeyRwEntries typedefEST_TStringHash< V >
map(void(*func)(EST_String &, V &))EST_THash< EST_String, V >
move_pointer_forwards(IPointer &ip) constEST_THash< EST_String, V >inlineprotected
move_pointer_forwards(IPointer_k &ip) constEST_THash< EST_String, V >inlineprotected
num_entries(void) constEST_THash< EST_String, V >inline
operator=(const EST_THash< EST_String, V > &from)EST_THash< EST_String, V >
point_to_first(IPointer &ip) constEST_THash< EST_String, V >inlineprotected
point_to_first(IPointer_k &ip) constEST_THash< EST_String, V >inlineprotected
points_at(const IPointer &ip)EST_THash< EST_String, V >inlineprotected
points_at(const IPointer_k &ip)EST_THash< EST_String, V >inlineprotected
points_to_something(const IPointer &ip) constEST_THash< EST_String, V >inlineprotected
points_to_something(const IPointer_k &ip) constEST_THash< EST_String, V >inlineprotected
present(const EST_String &key) constEST_THash< EST_String, V >
remove_item(const EST_String &rkey, int quiet=0)EST_THash< EST_String, V >
RwEntries typedefEST_TStringHash< V >
skip_blank(IPointer &ip) constEST_THash< EST_String, V >inlineprotected
skip_blank(IPointer_k &ip) constEST_THash< EST_String, V >inlineprotected
StringHash(const EST_String &key, unsigned int size)EST_HashFunctionsprotectedstatic
TN_IPointer typedefEST_TStringHash< V >
TN_IPointer_k typedefEST_TStringHash< V >
val(const EST_String &key, int &found) constEST_THash< EST_String, V >
val(const EST_String &key) constEST_THash< EST_String, V >inline
~EST_THash(void)EST_THash< EST_String, V >