A class for storing digital waveforms. The waveform is stored as an array of 16 bit shorts...
int play_sun16_wave(EST_Wave &inwave, EST_Option &al)
int record_pulse_wave(EST_Wave &inwave, EST_Option &al)
int play_win32audio_wave(EST_Wave &inwave, EST_Option &al)
int play_nas_wave(EST_Wave &inwave, EST_Option &al)
int record_linux_wave(EST_Wave &inwave, EST_Option &al)
int play_linux_wave(EST_Wave &inwave, EST_Option &al)
int play_macosx_wave(EST_Wave &inwave, EST_Option &al)
int play_pulse_wave(EST_Wave &inwave, EST_Option &al)
int play_irix_wave(EST_Wave &inwave, EST_Option &al)
int play_mplayer_wave(EST_Wave &inwave, EST_Option &al)
int record_nas_wave(EST_Wave &inwave, EST_Option &al)
int record_sun16_wave(EST_Wave &inwave, EST_Option &al)