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33 Variable list

This chapter contains a list of variables currently defined within Festival available for general use. This list is automatically generated from the documentation strings of the variables as they are defined within the system, so has some chance in being up-to-date.

Cross references to sections elsewhere int he manual are given where appropriate.

In interactive mode, this variable's value is the return value of the previously evaluated expression.
An association list recording the description objects for proclaimed modules.
Contains the name of the operating system type that Festival is running on, e.g. SunOS5, FreeBSD, linux etc. The value is taken from the Makefile variable OSTYPE at compile time.
Array for holding symbol property lists.
List of functions to be applied after analysis and before synthesis.
List of functions to be applied after all synthesis modules have been applied. This is primarily designed to allow waveform manipulation, particularly resampling and volume changes.
Following Emacs' auto-mode-alist thios provides a mechanism for auto selecting a TTS text mode based on the filename being analyzed. Its format is exactly the same as Emacs in that it consists of an alist of dotted pairs of regular expression and text mode name.
List of functions to be run on synthesised utterances before synthesis starts.
List of voice names. The first of them available becomes the default voice.
How to access units from databases.
The default list of functions to be run on all synthesized utterances after analysis but before synthesis.
The default list of functions to be run on all synthesized utterances after Wave_Synth. This will normally be nil but if for some reason you need to change the gain or rescale *all* waveforms you could set the function here, in your siteinit.scm.
The default list of functions to be run on all synthesized utterances before synthesis starts.
A function or list of functions that will be applied to the utterance at the start of the diphone module. It can be used to map segment names to those that will be used by the diphone database itself. Typical use specifies _ and $ for consonant clusters and syllable boundaries, mapping to dark ll's etc. Reduction and tap type phenomena should probabaly be done by post lexical rules though the distinction is not a clear one.
Default parameters for Default (duff) intonation target generation. This is an assoc list of parameters. Two parameters are supported start specifies the start F0 in Hertz for an utterance, and end specifies the end.
The number of lines to be saved in the users history file when a Festival session ends. The histfile is ".festival_history" in the users home directory. Note this value is only checked when the command interpreter is started, hence this should be set in a user's ".festivalrc" or system init file. Reseting it at the command interpreter will have no effect.
When running under Emacs as an inferior process, we don't want to echo the content of the line, only the prompt.
A list of tokens that are dealt with by a homograph disambiguation tree in english_token_pos_cart_trees.
Parameters for English phrase break statistical model.
End of utterance tree. A decision tree used to determine if the given token marks the end of an utterance. It may look one token ahead to do this. [see Utterance chunking]
A list of directories where binaries specific to Festival may be located. This variable is automatically set to LIBDIR/etc/OSTYPE/ and that path is added to the end of the UNIX PATH environment variable.
A string containing the current version number of the system.
A list of major, minor and subminor version numbers of the current system. e.g. (1 0 12).
In using Fixed_Prosody as used in Phones type utterances and hence SayPhones, this is the fix value in ms for phone durations.
In using Fixed_Prosody as used in Phones type utterances and hence SayPhones, this is the value in Hertz for the monotone F0.
An assoc-list of simple part of speech tag to list of words in that class. This basically only contains closed class words all other words may be assumed to be content words. This was built from information in the f2b database and is used by the ffeature gpos.
Place looked at for .festivalrc etc.
If set to non-nil, the copyright banner is not displayed at start up.
Parameters for tilt intonation model.
Set t to print language locations as they are found
Association list recording where languages were found.
List of places to look for languages. If not set it is initialised from load-path by appending "languages/" to each directory with system-language-path appended.
Internal variable containing an association of language name
aliases such as english-> british_english.
The directory where the lexicon(s) are, by default.
The pathname of the run-time libary directory. Note reseting is almost definitely not what you want to do. This value is automatically set at start up from the value specifed at compile-time or the value specifed with –libdir on the command line. A number of other variables depend on this value.
A list of directories containing .scm files. Used for various functions such as load_library and require. Follows the same use as EMACS. By default it is set up to the compile-time library directory but may be changed by the user at run time, by adding a user's own library directory or even replacing all of the standard library. [see Site initialization]
The Unix program name of your Netscape Navigator browser. [see Getting some help]
The default URL for the Festival Manual in html format. You may reset this to a file://.../... type URL on you're local machine. [see Getting some help]
The name of the MBROLA database to usde during MBROLA Synthesis.
The program name for mbrola.
A feature set for arbitrary parameters for modules.
The directory containing the ngram models for predicting phrase breaks. By default this is the standard library directory.
Parameters for phrase break statistical model. This is typcal set by a voice selection function to the parameters for a particular model.
A reverse assoc list of predicted pos tags to some other tag set. Note using this changes the pos tag loosing the actual predicted value. Rather than map here you may find it more appropriate to map tags sets locally in the modules that use them (e.g. phrasing and lexicons).
The directory contains the various models for the POS module. By default this is the same directory as lexdir. The directory should contain two models: a part of speech lexicon with reverse log probabilities and an ngram model for the same part of speech tag set.
The name of a loaded ngram containing the a posteriori ngram model for predicting part of speech. The a priori model is held as a lexicon call poslex.
This variable's value is the tag most likely to appear before the start of a sentence. It is used when looking for pos context before an utterance. Typically it should be some type of punctuation tag.
This variable's value is the tag most likely to appear before pos_p_start_tag and any position preceding that. It is typically some type of noun tag. This is used to provide pos context for early words in an utterance.
If set to non-nil use part of speech prediction, if nil just get pos information from the lexicon.
For remove final R when not between vowels.
A function or list of functions which encode post lexical rules. This will be voice specific, though some rules will be shared across languages.
CART tree for vowel reduction.
A CART tree for vowel reduction. This is hand-written.
Mapping of vowels to their reduced form. This in an assoc list of phoneset name to an assoc list of full vowel to reduced form.
List of file names (omitting .scm) that have been provided. This list is checked by the require function to find out if a file needs to be loaded. If that file is already in this list it is not loaded. Typically a file will have (provide 'MYNAME) at its end so that a call to (require 'MYNAME) will only load MYNAME.scm once.
If non-nil this is the exhaustive list of machines and domains from which clients may access the server. This is a list of REGEXs that client host must match. Remember to add the backslashes before the dots. [see Server/client API]
If non-nil this is a list of machines which are to be denied access to the server absolutely, irrespective of any other control features. The list is a list of REGEXs that are used to matched the client hostname. This list is checked first, then server_access_list, then passwd. [see Server/client API]
If set to t server log information is printed to standard output of the server process. If set to nil no output is given. If set to anything else the value is used as the name of file to which server log information is appended. Note this value is checked at server start time, there is no way a client may change this. [see Server/client API]
In server mode, the maximum number of clients supported at any one time. When more that this number of clients attach simulaneous the last ones are denied access. Default value is 10. [see Server/client API]
If non-nil clients must send this passwd to the server followed by a newline before they can get a connection. It would be normal to set this for the particular server task. [see Server/client API]
In server mode the inet port number the server will wait for connects on. The default value is 1314. [see Server/client API]
The name of the program to use to parse SGML files. Typically this is nsgml-1.0 from the sp SGML package. [see XML/SGML requirements]
List of glides (only good w/ radio_speech)
List of liquids (only good w/ radio_speech)
List of nasals (only good w/ radio_speech)
List of voiced obstruents for use in sonority scaling (only good w/ radio_speech)
List of voiceless obstruents for use in sonority scaling (only good w/ radio_speech)
List of synthesis types and functions used by the utt.synth function to call appropriate methods for wave synthesis.
Additional directory not near the load path where languages can be found, this can be redefined in lib/sitevars.scm if desired.
Additional directory not near the load path where voices can be found, this can be redefined in lib/sitevars.scm if desired.
Additional directory not near the load path where multisyn voices can be found, this can be redefined in lib/sitevars.scm if desired.
List of events containing accents in tilt model.
List of events containing boundaries in tilt model.
The part of speech tag (valid for your part of speech tagger) for individual letters. When the tokenizer decide to pronounce a token as a list of letters this tag is added to each letter in the list. Note this should be from the part of speech set used in your tagger which may not be the same one that appears in the actual lexical entry (if you map them afterwards). This specifically allows "a" to come out as ae rather than @.
A string of characters which are to be treated as preceding punctuation when tokenizing text. Prepunctuation symbols will be removed from the text of the token and made available through the "prepunctuation" feature. [see Tokenizing]
A string of characters which are to be treated as punctuation when tokenizing text. Punctuation symbols will be removed from the text of the token and made available through the "punctuation" feature. [see Tokenizing]
Characters which have always to be split as tokens. This would be usual is standard text, but is useful in parsing some types of file. [see Tokenizing]
When all else fails and a pronunciation for a word or character can't be found this word will be said instead. If you make this "" them the unknown word will simple be omitted. This will only really be called when there is a bug in the lexicon and characters are missing from the lexicon. Note this word should be in the lexicon.
A string of characters which are to be treated as whitespace when tokenizing text. Whitespace is treated as a separator and removed from the text of a token and made available through the "whitespace" feature. [see Tokenizing]
A list of (English) words which were found to be most common in an text database and are used as discriminators in token analysis.
This is a list of pairs or regex plus CART tree. Tokens that match the regex will have the CART tree aplied, setting the result as the token_pos feature on the token. The list is checked in order and only the first match will be applied.
Function or list of functions to be called during text to speech. The function tts_file, chunks data into Utterances of type Token and applies this hook to the utterance. This typically contains the utt.synth function and [see TTS]
An a-list of text modes data for file type specific tts functions. See the manual for an example. [see Text modes]
List of types and functions used by the utt.synth function to call appropriate methods.
An assoc-list of variable names and their documentation strings.
Set t to print voice locations as they are found
Association list recording where voices were found.
List of places to look for voices. If not set it is initialised from load-path by appending "voices/" to each directory with system-voice-path appended.
List of places to look for multisyn voices. If not set it is initialised from load-path by appending "voices-multisyn/" to each directory with system-voice-path-multisyn appended.
A variable whose value is a function name that is called on start up to the default voice. [see Site initialization]
Internal variable containing list of voice descriptions as
decribed by proclaim_voice.
The directory holding standard DTD form the xml parser.
List of Scheme actions to perform on finding xxML tags.
Function or list of functions to be applied to an utterance when parsed with xxML, before tts_hooks.
Functions to apply to each token.
An assoc list of features to be added to the current word when in xxml parse mode.